Thursday 22 October 2009

Tiny Manu #70

Words that do not rhyme but they should

A poem by Tiny Manu

The time was nearly half past one
And I was feeling all alone.

Then I thought “It’s time for food”
And this is very, very good.

First I thought, “I’ll have some fruit
And then, perhaps, a nice biscuit.”

I decided on an apple for now
And I looked for one, both high and low.

There was a banana, orange and a pear
But I could see no apple near.

I was sad, because apples are great
And it would be a tasty treat.

Then I found an apple where it should
Not be. Under the sofa, covered in mould.

The dust down there made me cough
And I told mummy, even though

I knew she’d be angry to find an apple there
I said “It wasn’t me, I don’t sit here!”

Mummy said I was very brave
To be so honest, so I could have

A meal from the cooking book I like to read.
So I had sausage soup and crusty bread.

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