Saturday 28 November 2009

No news and good news

Well, I took a week off writing comic strips so there's nothing to post, but there is a bit of news on the sequel to Rocket Sciene - an animated short I co-wrote with Sam Morrison that was nominated for Best Comedy in the 2008 British Animation Awards.

Although I didn't have a hand in writing the new animated episode, I'm chipping in with the comic strips. They're too small to read on this page, but I'll be sure to link to the Grime City site when it's up.

These comic strips also made their public debut the other week at an art gallery in Bristol, called Centrespace. They were doing a show of work from all the artists that rent studios there, and Sam decided to show an animation and put up some of out comic strips. As such I spent the evening hovering within view of them, trying to guage the reactions of anyone who read them. I think people liked them.

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