Tuesday 21 May 2013

BASIC Conversion Chart 1984

Once upon a time, this A2 poster used to hang on my wall as a gleaming example of the white heat of technology. I couldn't really program much, not even in BASIC, so it was more a symbol than a practical aid to coding. Recently I found it again, and thought it was really quite pretty. Despite only having an A4 scanner, I did my best to digitise it, and here it is.

and a close up...

or two...


  1. Do you still have this poster? If so, would you be interested in selling it?

  2. I don't remember throwing it away (and I'm pretty certain I wouldn't have), but at the same time I have no idea where it is. I hope to have a tidy-up this weekend (16th Feb 2019) so if I find it, I'll post a comment here.
