Thursday 26 December 2013

A stroll through mid-nineteenth century Bristol

Today I found a book on-line called A Chronological Outline of the History of Bristol. I read it and before too long I’d found a recommended walk in it’s opening pages. Since I knew about Bristol’s Know Your Place site, and its wealth of maps and pictures, I decided to complete this walk, virtually.

We begin (or began) on the junction of Corn-street, Broad-street, Wine-street and High-street, where we can admire the Dutch House (destroyed in the Second World War).

Strolling down the High-street, the guide draws our attention to various booksellers and printers and to the entrance to St Nicholas Market on the right. We continue towards Bristol Bridge,

And, once across, we look back to take in the view of St Nicholas Church,

Before taking a right down Redcliffe-street. To my delight, the guide actually points out a building that I can find a picture for that isn't a church: The Red Lion Inn.

After continuing along this road, after we arrive at St Mary’s Church, the guide suggests a brief diversion around Redcliffe-Parade and Guinea-street before returning to the church via Redcliffe-Hill before heading right along Pile-street (now called Redcliffe Way).

There the guide draws our attention to the school house and the birthplace of Thomas Chatterton. This house is still standing, although it now looks a bit forlorn: like a building that the Council forgot to demolish when developing the rest of the area. According to one site, some well-meaning English Literature students squatted in the building and renovated it a few years ago, but since they were evicted, I have no idea about its current state.

We continue on our walk, past the site of Temple-Gate, one of the gates to the old city walls, that was demolished in 1808. Then we continue up Pipe-lane, which bears to the left and from there the guide advises that we turn down Rose-street and then up Church-lane to Temple-Church, Bristol’s very own leaning tower almost to rival Pisa’s.

That’s a modern photo, of course. But anyway, once past there, it’s onto Temple-street for a short spell before turning left down Long Row which will take us to St Thomas-street. Here we can briefly take in the sight of St Thomas Church.

After this, the guide takes us back to where we began, making sure we appreciate All Saints Church.

A very pleasant walk, and it's not the only suggested route in the book. And remember, all of these images, as well as many others, are available on Bristol City Council's Know Your Place page.


Evans, J., (1824) “A Chronological Outline of the History of Bristol, and the Stranger's Guide Through Its Streets and Neighbourhood”,_Bristol.jpg


  1. Very interesting and intriguing images. One image in particular has me hoping you can give me a little more information. It's the sketch of Chatterton's house, which is marked with an ID reference: V1219. On the same scrap of paper to the left of the sketch of the house it has a drawing of the medals the boys of Colston's wore.
    Try as I might I am unable to find the image anywhere on the Bristol website. I can find an image of the house but not of the whole image including the medal etc. Would you be kind enough to give me a link please, or the location of the scrap - I am guessing that it might be an insert to Latimer's book?
    Thank you for your help with this.

  2. Thanks for stopping by. Here's the link to the picture in question. Actually, it's a link to two pictures, the one in my blog and a larger sketch of the house. Use the arrows at the top to navigate. Hope this answers your question. Cheers.

  3. Hi
    I have what appears to be an ink drawing of the Old Dutch House Bristol by a C Jefferies?
    I cannot find any reference to him on Google/internet.
    Do you have any knowledge?
    Jack Blowers

  4. Sorry, I don't. I can only suggest you try the Bristol Archives to see if they know anything.
